Titan by Kiiroo review
What is the Titan by Kiiroo?
The Titan by Kiiroo is an interactive vibrating masturbator. You’re in charge of stroking with it, and it handles the vibrations for you. The most similar product to it on the market is the Lovense Max 2.
What can the Kiiroo Titan do?

The Titan has a very exciting concept to deliver vibrations to your cock. It has 3 ‘rods’ that go inside the wall of the inner sleeve. Each ‘rod’ has 3 vibrating motors in them delivering a total 9 points of vibration creating 3 ‘rings’ around your cock. Each ‘ring’ can be independently controlled and they can react to interactive content. You have manual mode, where you can use the 3 shiny surface areas as touch controls. If you touch one of them the corresponding ‘ring’ of motors activate. if you touch more than one, the middle ring is activated. You also have a few pre-programmed patterns that change the vibrations in exciting ways, connected mode where you or your partner can control the intensity of the vibrations through the FeelConnect 2 app (FeelConnect 3.0 support is still in developement, the Titan is not yet supported). The Titan can also be connected to a Pearl2 or other Kiiroo toy and you can use it for remote sex sessions where the faster your partner moves their Pearl, the stronger your Titan vibrates. Pretty exciting stuff!
How does The Titan feel?
The sleeve feels really nice and tight and the vibrations are quite intense. You can really feel the 9 motors working hard to deliver some very nice sensations. You can play around with twisting the toy around your cock so the motors hit different spots and once you find the perfect angle just stroke away! Or, if you’re sensitive just hold the toy in place and enjoy the trembling vibrations embracing your hard member! Watching interactive content is pretty exciting with it too. It’s not as realistic as the Onyx+ and nowhere near the KEON, but it’s a really exciting feeling and definitely makes the content more immersive.
Cleaning and handling

The Titan is a bit different from other strokers with sleeves. Usually with other toys you simple pull the sleeve out of the case for cleaning. Since the Titan has the three vibrating rods going into the wall of the sleeve you need to do a bit more. The device opens up completely on it’s side so you can get to the parts more easily. Gently and carefully pull the sleeve off the rods. We found that it’s best if you gently pull a bit at the front of the sleeve (where you insert your penis) and then gently push it a bit from the bottom and slowly wiggle it off the rods. After that you can clean the sleeve just like any other sleeve. For the device itself use a damp/moist cloth. Putting it together is the same thing in reverse. Slowly push the rods back inside their holes on the sleeve. Work your way all the way to the bottom and you’re ready for round 2! One disadvantage of the case opening on it’s side is it’s quite easy to accidentally open it if you’re grabbing it in a certain angle, but after using it a couple of times you’ll automatically be careful about where you grab it and it’s not going to be that big of an issue.
Kiiroo Titan vs. Lovense Max2
The Kiiroo Titan is miles ahead when it comes to the ‘smartness’ of the toy. Powered by Kiiroo’s awesome tech, you can watch interactive content which is currently not possible with Lovense toys. You can download patterns that other users recorded and play them back on your Lovense toy though! The vibrations are also far more intense thanks to the 9 motors inside the sleeve compared to the one that’s in the base of the Max2’s plastic case. The Max2 on the other hand has contractions and has a closed bottom with an adjustable vent hole that makes a pretty intense sucking feeling possible that you can’t achieve with the Titan. So here’s a quick rundown to help you decide which toy to get:
- Interactive videos: Titan by Kiiroo
- Pre-recorded patterns by other users: Lovense Max2
- Stronger vibrations: Titan by Kiiroo
- Contractions and suction: Lovense Max2
- Actual fully automatic stroking of your cock: KEON by Kiiroo
Can you use other sleeves in your Titan?
Since the Titan has a special sleeve with holes in it’s wall to accept the vibrating ‘rods’ you can’t use any other sleeve in this toy without sacrificing the vibrations. Kiiroo does offer two kinds of sleeves for the Titan though. You can get a Power Sleeve giving you aneven more intense grip and texture.
Verdict – is the Titan for you?
The Titan is a really great entry level toy. If you’re interested in the world of interactive toys, or you’ve only ever tried a Fleslight or some other non-interactive storker it’s the perfect next step. It’s extremely affordable and will definitely give you some awesome play sessions. If you’re a more advanced user or if you’re interested in something more intense check out our review of the KEON, Kiiroo’s flagship male masturbator and in our current opinion, the king of male virtual sex.